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Time Management and Prioritisation Workshop

Time Management is the process of organising and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities.


Prioritisation is the process of determining the importance or urgency of tasks, goals, or activities in relation to one another.


Having strong time management and prioritisation skills is crucial for maximising productivity, ensuring efficient use of available time, and avoiding overlooking important tasks that impact business or personal outcomes.


Our 'Time Management and Prioritisation Skills Workshop' delves into these critical concepts, emphasising their relevance in daily life.


Throughout the session, we explore various methods and tools designed to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in work processes.


The workshop is a blend of instructor led learning and exercises where delegates can practice their new found skills during and after the session


Following the workshop, participants receive a takeaway pack containing valuable tips and tools to reinforce their learning. They are also invited to a virtual post-meeting catch-up session scheduled one month later, where they can receive support, share experiences, and seek further guidance.


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